What are Ball valves?

Ball valves are actually the mechanical devices that help in controlling, directing, guiding and in modulating the flow of substances such as liquids, pressures and gas etc. there are many types of ball valves which contain the different devices for different kinds of uses.
Different types of ball valves can be classified into different features such as the number of ports, their design, seat type, ball access, body assembly and their bore sizes.

Popular ball valves types

Depending on the valve applications users should determine what kind of ball valve type is the right choice for them. There are 6 different kinds of ball valves and they are as follows:

V- Port ball valves

The V in the v port ball valves shows the shape of the ball and shape of the seat. This valve enables users to control the closing and opening better.

Standard port ball valves

The standard port ball valve has a very smaller ball and port as compared to the full port. It is very less expensive but it has come up with a little restricted flow due to the pipe size. As they are cheaper they have the highest pressure as compared to the other valves. Just like the full port valves these standard ports are very great for the systems with high flow coefficient.

Full port ball valves

These full port ball valves are more expensive than other valve types. The oversized valves in this full port valve lowers the loss of friction just because the hole in this ball has the similar size as the pipeline. As the valve is larger the flow is unrestricted in full port ball valve size.

Multi-port ball valves

Multi-port ball valves consist of three or four ways with an L to T shape hole in the middle of the valve. T valves are able to connect all kinds of port pairs and L valves are able to connect the center port to the side ports. Inlet that is in the multi-port ball valve is actually orthogonal to the outlet’s plane. 4-way ball valves contain 2 L shaped ports in the multi-port ball known as X port.

True union ball valve

True union ball valve contains a pin which helps in securing the ball in its places and it stops the movements. Two shafts are placed at the opposite ends in true union helps in enabling the support of the segmented ball. It also helps in enabling the system to produce less friction between different parts of the true union valves. Systems with the high velocity use the benefits of true union valves as they have the higher pressure standard than standard ball valves. They are able to be removed from the piping system if necessary.

Manually operated ball valve

Manually operated ball valves are very easy to use and are very simple in design. The closing and opening of the valve in this way works by a quarter turn. The main disadvantage of this ball valve is that its quick functions may result and cause danger to water hammer.


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