Swing check valve

A swing check valve is embedded with the disc that swings on the shaft and on a hinge. The disc swings off the seat and it allows it to flow forward. When the flow is stopped the disc swings back onto the seat and it blocks the reverse flow. The return flow and the weight of the disk has a great impact on the shut off characteristics of the valves.

Swing check valve with weight and with lever

Often a weight and a lever and spring is mounted to achieve its great performance. Swing check valves with weight and with levers are good for installations with a good risk of water at specific velocities. Swing check valves with spring and with levers are much suitable for high pressure, back pressure and for high velocities.

The main thing to keep in mind while installing the swing check valve is that it is not completely maintained and the disc has to be cleaned once. On the other hand the lever is mounted every time to enable the visual check. Swing check valves are mostly installed when personnel are always present.

Working principles of swing check valve

The swing check valve adopts the built in rocker swing stricture. All the closing and opening parts of the valve are installed inside the body and it does not penetrate the valve body. The swing arm between the swing check valve and the valve clack have the spherical connection structure which helps the valve to move 360 degrees.

Swing check valve features

The swing check valve are as follows:

1.       The disk design has a very easy maintenance access

2.       The Disc with inserting of steel is fully vulcanized with rubber ensuring its sealing ability.

3.       The disc lip sealing make sure to have the tightness

4.       Lightweight check valve disk needs less force to close and open the valve

5.       The disc is able to move both vertically and horizontally to close it tightly

6.       It is highly tightened around the shaft with many bolts to eliminate play and to make sure its durability

7.       Full bore of the swing check valve contains low head loss.

8.       Easy to install and vertical and horizontal duct can be used

9.       Give very good performance and it is very sensitive with the small change

10.   The overall swing check valve is very simple to use and very compact which makes it appearance beautiful

Swing check valve applications

A swing check valve is applied to many media things such as oil, steam, nitric acid, acetic acid, urea and other oxidizing media. They are mostly used in chemical pharmaceuticals, power, fertilizers and other pipelines. It is very suitable for cleaning media and not for media containing particles and high viscosity.

Where the flow of swing check valve medium is known to be very low the valve is not at all recommended. Due to this valve it hit the seat which makes the valve suffer a lot causing damage to both discs and as a result the valve stops working.


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